
Easy Knowledge is a community-driven knowledge-sharing platform where startup founders exchange their experiences with budding entrepreneurs. This vibrant community provides members with numerous benefits aimed at reducing costs and accelerating business ideas. To further boost the startup ecosystem, Easy Knowledge has held many workshops and events both nationally and globally, facilitating learning and networking among startups.

Our Experts

Rakhee Singal

Founder & CEO

Easy Knowledge

Rohan Pareek


Mridul and Rohan inc.

Amit Singal

Founding Partner

Fluid Ventures

Pranay Mathur

Partner & CEO

Realtime (RTAF)

Mridul Goswami


mridul and rohan inc.

Vijay Vir Singh

Senior Vice President

Funding & Incubation at Amity Innovation

CA Shubham Garg


Startup Buddy Services

Ashish Khare

Founder & CEO


Onboarded Experts

Our Onboarded Experts section highlights the diverse array of professionals who are integral to our platform. These experts come from various fields and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our community:

Industry Leaders

Cutting-Edge Insights: Learn from top professionals who are at the forefront of their industries. They share the latest trends, innovations, and strategies to help startups stay ahead.

Thought Leadership: Gain access to exclusive content from industry leaders who provide visionary perspectives on the future of their respective fields.

Technical Experts

Advanced Technical Skills: Our technical experts specialize in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and more. They offer deep dives into complex technical topics and provide practical advice.

Problem-Solving Guidance: Benefit from expert troubleshooting and solutions for technical challenges that startups frequently encounter.

Business Strategists

Strategic Planning: Learn from seasoned business strategists who offer guidance on business development, market analysis, and growth strategies.

Operational Excellence: Discover best practices for optimizing operations, improving efficiency, and scaling businesses effectively.

Financial Advisors

Financial Planning: Our financial experts provide critical insights into managing finances, securing funding, and financial forecasting.

Investment Strategies: Learn about investment opportunities and strategies to attract investors and grow your business capital.

Legal Consultants

Regulatory Compliance: Legal experts offer advice on navigating legal complexities, including intellectual property, contracts, and compliance with industry regulations.

Risk Management: Understand how to identify and mitigate legal risks that could impact your business.

Marketing Gurus:

Brand Building: Gain insights into creating compelling brand identities and effective marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing: Learn from experts about leveraging digital platforms for advertising, social media engagement, and content marketing.

Benefits of Onboarded Experts

  • Expertise Access: Tap into the knowledge of seasoned professionals across various fields, providing a comprehensive support system for startups.
  • Practical Advice: Receive actionable advice and strategies that can be implemented to solve real-world business challenges.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices through regular interactions with experts.

By collaborating with these onboarded experts, Easy Knowledge enhances its ability to support its community members, helping them transform innovative ideas into successful businesses. The collective expertise of these professionals creates a nurturing environment where startups can thrive and contribute to the broader entrepreneurial ecosystem.

– Rakhee Singal
Founder, Easy Knowledge
